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Góngora and Digital Humanities: New Methods for a New Poetry

Góngora and Digital Humanities:  New Methods for a New Poetry
30 / 03 / 2017
01 / 04 / 2017
LEMH : Littérature de l'Espagne et du monde hispanique au Siècle d'Or

Luis de Góngora (1561-1627) intensified and deepened what was understood by imitation of Classical and Italian models in Spanish literary practice for almost a century. How did he become, in doing so, the master of a new poetry in Spain, Portugal and America? Why was a singular, borderline eccentric poet converted into a paradigm? Why did he provoke such violent resistance?  With the goal of resolving this tension and rethinking its theoretical and historical implications, we undertake a thorough examination of the documents tracing this poet´s reception. Because this vast corpus is so diverse and mostly unpublished, it resists being covered in a traditional manner. In consequence, at the Sorbonne laboratory OBVIL we have established an international working group whose aim is twofold: on one hand, to produce digital scholarly editions of critical texts that discuss Góngora’s poems; on the other hand, to design and implement an environment that enables searches and quantitative analysis of the whole corpus. We are seeking papers that explore ideas, rhetorical devices, and legitimation strategies mobilized by the censors, advocates, imitators and commentators of Góngora’s poetry, testing them by digital methods such as lexical statistics, stylometry, automatic determination of semantic co-occurrence, graphs, and arborescences.

Organizers: Mercedes Blanco (Université Paris-Sorbonne) and Aude Plagnard (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid)



Localisation :

Chicago, The Palmer House Hilton
17 E Monroe St
IL 60603